My first marathon
In 2015 I “run” my first marathon. Put in “”, because partially I have to walk during Orlen Warsaw Marathon in 2015.
Running a marathon is unique expirience.
I would advise to try it to anyone, who would like to find limits of his/her physciall and mental toughness.
No matter how tough you are - I promise you will have tears in your eyes at the finish line of your first marathon.
The first one I finished in 04:45:43 (april 2015). Assuming in july 2014 I was over 100kg heavy and was not exercising at all it was very good result.
My current personal best is 03:29:03 (april 2017) and I am still feeling on my way to become better. In amateur running the most part of the racing is about challanging and compiting with yourself.
Not only during competitions but regulary pushing yourself to train, eat clean, care and learn about your body etc.

My marathons log:
04:45:43 debut at Orlen Warsaw Marathon (april 2015)
04:05:44 at 16. Poznań Marathon (october 2015)
05:15:34 at Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris (april 2016) - poor result due to contusion
03:39:54 at Gdańsk Marathon (mai 2016)
03:29:03 at Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris (april 2017)